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Male Breast Reduction Surgery (Gynecomastia)

Learn More About the Male Breast Reduction Procedure in New York, NY

Gynecomastia Surgery (Male Breast Reduction)

Gynecomastia — the enlargement of gland tissues in the male breast — is a common condition affecting around 1/3 of the male population. This large and often feminine-looking tissue can begin to appear during infancy, puberty, and even in middle-aged men. Hormonal imbalance can cause an increase in this glandular tissue, as a result of excess estrogen.

This condition can lead to a negative effect on men and their self-esteem. It often causes embarrassment due to their enlarged breasts and pronounced nipples.

Fortunately, gynecomastia (also known as male breast reduction), is a great solution to this condition. Our board-certified plastic surgeons often perform this procedure at the New York Center for Facial, Plastic, and Laser Surgery.

Gynecomastia surgery is a cosmetic procedure that flattens and enhances the chest for natural and masculine results. For men, there are several factors that can lead to the development of excess skin, fat, and breast tissue.

Common Factors for Gynecomastia Include:

  • Imbalanced hormones
  • Over-weight / Obesity
  • Not enough testosterone production in the testes
  • Impaired or damaged liver functionality
  • Marijuana use or other drugs
Gynecomastia Illustration

In many cases, diet and exercise are often not enough to reduce the appearance of male breasts. Various procedures can reduce the appearance of male breasts, which may involve repositioning the nipple and areola.

Other factors include:

  • Fluctuations in weight
  • Aging
  • Medications
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Anabolic steroid use
  • Klinefelter Syndrome
  • Gilbert’s Syndrome
  • Puberty
  • Testicular hormone production irregularities

How is Gynecomastia Surgery Performed?

Before undergoing breast reduction surgery, men should undergo a comprehensive physical evaluation by their primary care physician. This includes lab work, to identify the cause of breast tissue growth.

There are three main techniques used to perform gynecomastia surgery and they include:

  • Liposuction
  • Excision
  • Combination of liposuction & excision

When gynecomastia is a result of excess fatty tissue, your surgeon may elect to perform the procedure using liposuction. Our surgeons create several small incisions and use a cannula to remove the excess fat. We sweep the cannula back and forth, to loosen the fatty tissues, and suction them out with the cannula wand.

If the patient needs glandular breast tissue removed, we will perform the gynecomastia surgery using the excision technique. For this, we create an incision in the armpit or around the areola, to remove glandular tissue, fat, and excess skin.

In some cases, we may opt to use both the excision method with a combination of liposuction. This allows us to obtain the best results to meet our patient’s surgical goals.

Recovery from Gynecomastia Procedure

Following your gynecomastia surgery, you will receive instructions for recovery. We apply surgical dressings or bandages to the incision sites and our staff may recommend wearing a compression garment. This garment will help minimize any swelling you may experience. This garment will also offer support for the new chest contours as it continues to heal over the next few weeks.

In some cases, we temporarily insert a small tube at the surgical site to drain fluid and excess blood. During your post-surgical follow-up, we will then remove this tube.

Most patients can return to light activities (including work) within 1 to 2 days following the procedure. However, we advise against heavy lifting and strenuous physical activities for at least the first four weeks. At this point, most men can resume their daily activities, including going to the gym and heavy lifting.

Male Breast Reduction Ideal Candidates

Men who cannot correct their excess breast tissue by alternative methods are typically good candidates for gynecomastia surgery. They should be in good physical health and have a positive outlook on their specific goals for the procedure. During your consultation, we will meet and discuss your concerns and determine if this is the right surgery for you. Having realistic expectations is the key.

To schedule your consultation or to learn more about gynecomastia, contact our New York City office at 212-570-2500. Or consider calling our Long Island office at 516-773-4646. You can also complete an online consultation form and one of our gynecomastia specialists will promptly follow up with you.

New York Center for Facial Plastic Surgery

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