Dr. Andrew Jacono is Pictured in a Suit and Tie

Dr. Jacono’s Publications

Embark on a journey through the extensive realm of surgical excellence with Dr. Andrew Jacono’s curated collection of groundbreaking surgical publications, journals, and lectures.

Dr. Jacono’s Publications and Medical Literature

Dr. Andrew Jacono has published extensively in the medical literature and lectures all over the United States and all over the world on modern plastic surgery techniques. He is an Assistant Professor at two New York Medical Schools and a Fellowship Director for the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Specific areas of focus for his research articles and lectures include Rhinoplasty (commonly referred to as a “nose job”), Blepharoplasty (eyelid lift surgery), Mini FaceliftEndoscopic Midface LiftMinimally Invasive Endoscopic Forehead Surgery (the so-called “endoscopic brow lift”), Lip Augmentation and Restylane and Bio-material Injections.

Here are a few examples of Dr. Jacono’s most recent publications and presentations on cosmetic and reconstructive surgery.

Dr. Jacono lectures at the 22nd Annual World Congress IMCAS meeting in Paris, France 2020

Dr. Jacono attended the 22nd Annual World Congress IMCAS meeting in Paris, France 2020, where he gave 3 Master Level Lectures and Performed Live Surgery:

  1. Live Aesthetic Periorbital Surgery
  2. Orbit Surgery Battle of Clinical Cases
  3. Surgical correction of the aging overfilled, over fat grafted face
  4. Facelifts: Classic vs New Approach
  5. Extended Deep Plane Face Lifting – SMAS & Platysma Techniques & Vectoring for Improved Results
Dr. Jacono teaches master level techniques at the QMP Aesthetic Surgery Meeting in Miami, Florida 2019

Dr. Jacono gave three Master Level Lectures at the QMP Aesthetic Surgery Meeting in Miami, Florida 2019:

  1. Seven Things I Have Incorporated Into My Blepharoplasty Approaches That Have Improved My Results and Reduced My Complications
  2. Master Class: What I Have Learned After 2000 Extended Deep Plane Facelifts: Biomechanically Advantageous Medical-Based SMAS and Platysma Techniques and Vectoring for Improved Results
  3. Surgical Correction of the Aging Overfilled, Over-Fat Grafted Face
Dr. Jacono gives three master level lectures at ASAPS Annual Conference in Brisbane Australia

Dr. Jacono gave three separate Masters Lectures at the ASAPS Annual Conference, in Brisbane, Australia, October 2019:

  1. Extended Deep Plane Facelifting: Biomechanically Advantageous Medial-Based SMAS and Platysma Techniques and Vectoring for Improved Results
  2. The Truth About Facelift Risks and Complications: Our Results of a Systematic Review of the Comprehensive Facelift Literature and Meta-Analysis
  3. Surgical Correction of the Aging Overfilled, Over Fat Grafted Face
Dr. Jacono lectures at 2nd Post Graduate (MAFAC) in Brisbane, Australia, October 2019

Dr. Jacono lectured at the 2nd Post Graduate (MAFAC) held in Partnership with ASAPS, Brisbane, Australia, October 2019:

  1. Advanced Facial Anatomy Course – Head Dissection Instructor
  2. International Invited Faculty – (Tutorial Lectures/Dissection Labs) 20th Melbourne Advanced Anatomy Course
Dr. Jacono lectures at the 2nd Annual Meeting of Moroccan Society of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeons, Marrakech, Morocco, September 2019

Dr. Jacono was the Keynote Speaker giving 3 Masterclass Lectures – SOMCEP 2nd Annual Meeting of Moroccan Society of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeons, Marrakech, Morocco, September 2019:

  1. What I Have Learned After 2000 Extended Deep Plane Facelifts and How I have Changed: Maximizing Rejuvenation, Longevity, Risks, and Scars
  2. 7 Things I Have Incorporated Into My Blepharoplasty Approaches That Have Improved My Results and Reduced My Complications
  3. The Truth About Facelift Risks and Complication: Our Results of a Systematic Review of the comprehensive Facelift Literature and Meta-Analysis
Dr. Jacono lectures at EAFPS Annual Conference in Amsterdam

Dr. Jacono gave three Masterclass Lectures: EAFPS Annual Conference, The Netherlands, Amsterdam, September 2019

  1. 7 Things I Have Incorporated into My Blepharoplasty Approached that Have Improved My Results and Reduced My Complications
  2. What I have Learned After 2000 Extended Deep Plane Facelifts and How I have Changed: Maximizing Rejuvenation, Longevity, Risks, and Scars
  3. A Novel Deep Plane Facelift Rotation Flap Technique to Improve Jawline Results and the Mandibular Defining Line
4th Singapore Facial Rejuvenation Surgery Cadaveric Dissection Course in Singapore

Dr. Jacono was the keynote speaker and gave four Masterclass Lectures: The Aprassa 2019 Congress, Drankensberg, South Africa, September 2019

  1. What I have Learned After 2000 Extended Deep Plane Facelifts and How I have Changed: Maximizing Rejuvenation, Longevity, Risks, and Scars
  2. Advanced Technique in Necklifting: Midline, Lateral, and Sub-Platysmal Approaches, and Management of the Submandibular Gland
  3. 7 Things I Have Incorporated into My Blepharoplasty Approaches That Have Improved My Results and Reduced My Complications
  4. The Truth about Facelift Risks and Complication: Our Results of a Systematic Review of the Comprehensive Facelift Literature and Meta-Analysis
Dr. Jacono gives three master level lectures at Vegas Cosmetic Surgery Symposium

Dr. Jacono gave three separate Masters Lectures at the Vegas Cosmetic Surgery Symposium – The Bellagio, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 2019:

  1. Tissue Sparing Upper And Lower Blepharoplasty.
  2. What I have Learned After 2000 Extended Deep Plane Facelifts And How I Have Changed: Maximizing Rejuvenation, Longevity, Risks, and Scars
  3. 7 Things I Have Incorporated Into My Blepharoplasty Approach That Have Improved My Results and Reduced My Complications
4th Singapore Facial Rejuvenation Surgery Cadaveric Dissection Course in Singapore

Dr. Jacono lectured at the My Face Academy -7th Edition The leading Facial Plastic Surgery Course Experience in Lisbon, Portugal, May 2019:

  1. 7 Things I have Incorporated into my Blepharoplasty Approach That Have Improved My Results and Reduced My Complications
  2. What I Have Learned after 2000 Extended Deep Plane Facelifts
  3. (Two Separate Presentations and Masterclass Video/Lectures) Transconjunctival And Transposition & Extended Deep Plane Facelift
  4. (Live Surgery & Live Lab Dissection Masterclass – Deep Plane Facelift)
Dr. Jacono lectures at Face Eyes Nose International Conference

Dr. Jacono lectured at the Face Eyes Nose International Conference in Conventry, England, May 2019:

  1. 7 Things I Have Incorporated into My Blepharoplasty Approaches That Have Improved My Results and Reduced My Complications
  2. Extended Deep Plane Lifting: Biomechanically Advantageous Medial-Based SMAS and Platysma Techniques and Vectoring for Improved Result
  3. Advanced Techniques in Necklifting: Midline, Lateral, and Sub-Platysmal Approaches, and Management of the Submandibular Gland
  4. Perforned a demonstration facelift
Dr. Jacono published in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal February 2019

A Meta-Analysis of Complication Rates Among Different SMAS Facelift TechniquesAesthetic Surgery Journal, February 2019

Aesthetic Surgery Journal, February 2019

4th Singapore Facial Rejuvenation Surgery Cadaveric Dissection Course in Singapore

Dr. Jacono lectured at the 4th Singapore Facial Rejuvenation Surgery Cadaveric Dissection Course in Singapore, South East Asia, November 2018:

  1. Deep Plane Face Lift Surgical Modifications: When, How, and Why
  2. Advanced Platysma Techniques in Neck Lifting: Medial, Lateral, and Inferior Approaches
  3. Avoiding Skeletonized Post-Blepharoplasty Eyelids with Advanced Volumizing Techniques
Dr. Jacono published in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal November 2018

A Novel Extended Deep Plane Facelift Technique Jawline Rejuvenation and Volumization

Aesthetic Surgery Journal, November 2018

Dr. Jacono attends the XXIX Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Mexicana de Rinologia y Cirugia Plastica Facial

During the XXIX Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Mexicana de Rinologia y Cirugia Plastica Facial in Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico, Dr. Jacono discussed the following techniques to his peers:

  1. Anatomia Quirurgica Para Ritidectomia
  2. Ritidectomia de Planos Profundos
  3. Levantamiento de Ceullo
  4. Revision de Facelift Correcting the Lions Face
  5. Blefaroplastia con Tecnica de Volumerizacion Avanzada
  6. Lip Lift y Aumento de Labios
ISAPS 2018 The 24th Congress - The Greatest Aesthetic Education on Earth Miami, Florida, November 2018

Dr. Jacono attended ISAPS 2018 the 24th Congress – The Greatest Aesthetic Education on Earth in Miami, Florida November 2018, where he taught the following:

Extended Deep Plane Facelifting: Durable Midface, Jawline and Neck Repositioning

Dr. Jacono attends the 12th International Symposium of Facial Plastic Surgery October 2018

During the 12th International Symposium of Facial Plastic Surgery in Dallas, Texas October 2018, Dr. Jacono lectured to his peers on the following:

  1. Biomechanically Advantageous Medial Based SMAS and Platysma Techniques in Extended Deep Plane Facelifting
  2. Perspectives on Facelift Approaches
  3. Tissue Sparing Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty
  4. Incorporating Volumizing Techniques in Upper Face and Brow Rejuvenation: Less is More
  5. Advanced Techniques in Necklifting: Midline, Lateral, Supra- and Sub-platysmal Approaches
Dr. Jacono attends the 7th International Course on Functional and Aesthetic Surgery of the Nose, Imola, Italy, October 2018

During the 7th International Course on Functional and Aesthetic Surgery of the Nose in Imola, Italy, Dr. Jacono discussed master level techniques to his peers on the following:

  1. Extended Deep Plane Face Lifting: Biomechanically Advantageous Medial-Based SMAS and Platysma Techniques and Vectoring for Improved Results
Dr. Jacono published in Clinic Plastic Surgery October 2018

Dr. Jacono article on the extended deep plane facelift was published in the October 2018 edition of Clinic Plastic Surgery:

  1. Extended Deep Plane Facelift: Incorporating Facial Retaining Ligament Release and Composite Flap Shifts to Maximize Midface, Jawline and Neck Rejuvenation.
Dr. Jacono attends the 14th Annual Aesthetic Surgery Symposium in Chicago, Illinois, September 2018

Dr. Jacono attended the 14th Annual Aesthetic Surgery Symposium in Chicago, Illinois, September 2018, where he taught master level courses to his peers on the following:

  1. Tissue-Sparing Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty: Incorporating Volumizing Techniques in Upper Face and Brow Rejuvenation – Less is More
  2. Advanced Techniques in Neck Lifting: Midline, Lateral, Supraplatysmal, and Subplatysmal Approaches
  3. Extended Deep Plane Face Lifting: Biomechanically Advantageous Medial-Based SMAS and Platysma Techniques and Vectoring for Improved Results
Dr. Jacono attends the EAFPS Annual Conference in Regensburg, Germany, September 2018

Dr. Jacono was an international keynote lecturer at the EAFPS Annual Conference in Regensberg, Germany September 2018 where he lectured to his peers on the following:

  1. Facelift: State of the Art I & II
Dr. Jacono attends the Curso Internacional de Cirugia Plastica Facial, Cali, Colombia September 2018

Dr. Jacono was part of the international keynote speakers at the Curso Internacional de Cirugia Plastica Facial, Cali, Colombia, September 2018 where he lectured on the following:

  1. Tecnicas Ahorradoras de Tejido en Blefaroplastia Superior e Inferior: Incorporando Voluminizacion para el Rejuvenecimiento de la Cara Superior y Cejas
Dr. Jacono attends the Vegas Cosmetic Surgery Symposium in Las Vegas June 2018

Dr. Jacono attended the June 2018 Cosmetic Surgery Symposium Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada where he lectured to his peers on the following subjects:

  1. A New Platysma “Hammock” Technique to Improve the Durability of Your Neck Lift and Suspend Submandibular Glands
  2. New Medial Based SMAS And Platysma Approaches in Deep Plane Facelifting
  3. 7 Techniques You Can Incorporate into Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty to Improve Outcomes and Limit Complications
Dr. Jacono attends the Annual Meeting of the Rhinoplasty Society in New York City April 2018

Dr. Jacono attended the 2018 Annual Meeting of The Rhinoplasty Society in New York City. Dr. Jacono is a member of the Rhinoplasty Society and discussed his techniques to his peers on the following:

  1. Nasal Tip Aesthetics
Dr. Jacono attends the AAFPRS Facial Rejuvenation: Master The Techniques meeting in Chicago April 2018

Dr. Jacono attended the AAFPRS Facial Rejuvenation: Master The Techniques in Chicago, IL April 2018 to discuss:

  1. Deep Plane Face Lifting
Dr. Jacono attends the AAFPS Masters Symposium in Perth Australia March 2018

During the 2018 AAFPS Masters’ Symposium in Perth, Australia, Dr. Jacono was the Keynote Speaker and gave a lecture on the following:

  1. Managing Complications and Revision Rhinoplasty: psychological, functional, and aesthetic
Dr. Jacono attends the Global Aesthetics Conference in Miami Florida November 2017

During the 2017 Global Aesthetics Conference in Miami Beach, Dr. Jacono gave two lectures which included the following:

  1. Identifying The Best Vector For Face And Neck Lifting: Implications For Rejuvenation, Flap Shifts And Incision Placement
  2. Four Facial Ligaments Releases That Will Improve The Longevity And Outcome Of Your Facelift
Dr. Jacono attends the AAFPRS Annual Meeting in Phoenix Arizona 2017

During the 2017 AAFPRS Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ, Dr. Jacono gave two lectures which included the following:

  1. Advanced Techniques in Volumizing Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty to Prevent Skeletonized Post-Surgical Eyelids
  2. Extended Deep Plane Rhytidectomy: Incorporating Facial Ligament Release to Maximize Midface and Neck Rejuvenation
Dr. Jacono attends the Advanced Aesthetic Blepharoplasty Midface and Face Contouring Meeting in St. Petersburg Russia 2017

During the 2017 Advanced Aesthetic Meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia, Dr. Jacono performed an Extended Deep Plane Facelift and Necklift surgery, moderated on a number of panels, and gave several lectures which included the following:

  1. My Approach to Complete Facial Rejuvenation: Combining Advanced Deep Place Face and Necklifting with Upper Facial, Peri-Orbital, and Peri-Oral Surgical Enhancement Procedures
  2. Advanced Techniques to Improve Your Necklift results: Extended Lateral Platysma and Midline Deep Neck Approaches
Dr. Jacono attends the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery Annual Conference in Lisbon Portugal September 2017

During the 2017 European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal, Dr. Jacono gave two lectures on the following topics:

  1. The Facial Volumizing Deep Plane Facelifting: Incorporating 4 Key Facial Ligament Releases
  2. Avoiding Skeletonized Post-Blepharoplasty Eyelids with Advanced Volumizing Techniques in Upper and Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty
Deep Plane Face Lift Techniques Discussed in Israel

During the 2017 ISAPS International meeting in Israel, Dr. Jacono gave three lectures which included the following:

  1. Deep Plane Face Lift Surgical Modifications: When, How, and Why.
  2. Identifying the Best Vector for Face and Neck Lifting: Implications for Rejuvenation, Flap Shifts, and Incision Placement.
  3. Advanced Volumizing Techniques in Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty: International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Eilat, Israel, April 2017
Dr. Andrew Jacono Discusses Nonsurgical Facial Rejuvenation

Aesthetic Surgery Journal, May 2017:

  1. Nonsurgical Facial Rejuvenation Procedures in Patients Under 50 Prior to Undergoing Facelift: Habits, Costs, Results
Characterization of the Cervical Retaining Ligaments During Subplatysmal Facelift Dissection and its Implications

Aesthetic Surgery Journal, May 2017:

  1. Characterization of the Cervical Retaining Ligaments During Subplatysmal Facelift Dissection and its Implications
Vertical Sweep Deformity After Face-lift

JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery, March 2017:

  1. Vertical Sweep Deformity After Facelift
Top New York Facial Surgeon discusses Submuscular Blepharoplasty Procedures

JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery, January-February 2017:

  1. Extended Submuscular Blepharoplasty with Orbitomalar Ligament Release and Orbital Fat Repositioning
Dr Andrew Jacono Best Facelift Surgeon Japan

International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Kyoto, Japan, October 2016:

  1. International Faculty lecturing on Minimal Access Extended Deep Plane Vertical Vector Rhytidectomy: A New Technique for Durable Neck and Midface Rejuvenation with Less Scarring
Top Facial Rejuvenation Surgeon USA

American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Nashville, Tennessee, October 2016

  1. Facial Rejuvenation: Dr. Jacono lectures on deep plane rhytidectomy
NY Surgeon Lectures on European Midface Rejuvenation

European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery, London, United Kingdom, September 2016:

  1. International Faculty lecturing on Extended Deep Plane Facelifting to Maximize Longevity and Efficacy in Neck and Midface Rejuvenation
Best US Surgeon face and neck rejuvenation

International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Valle del Cauca, Columbia, September 2016:

  1. International Faculty lecturing on Face and Neck Rejuvenation Techniques to Avoid Impacting the Neck
Eyelid Lifting AAFPRS Plastic Surgery Faculty Dr Jacono

Vegas Cosmetic Surgery & Aesthetic Dermatology Multi Specialty Symposium, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 2016:

  1. Avoiding Skeletonized Post-Blepharoplasty Eyelids with Advanced Volumizing Techniques in Upper and Lower Eyelid Lifting
Dr Jacono Professor Plastic Surgery Rio de Janeiro Brazil

8th World Congress of Facial Plastic Surgery, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2016:

  1. International Faculty lecturing on Volumetric Blepharoplasty: Preserving, Adding, and Repositioning Tissue in Upper and Lower Eyelid Surgery
Top US Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Andrew Jacono

American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Beverly Hills, California, March 2016:

  1. AAFPRS Faculty lecturing on Extending the Deep Plane Facelift for Maximal Face and Neck Rejuvenation
Dr Jacono Best Eyelid Surgeon

American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Annual National Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2015:

  1. AAFPRS Faculty lecturing on Advanced Volumizing Blepharoplasty Techniques
Dr Jacono Best European Facial Plastic Surgeon

European Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons Annual Meeting, Cannes, France, September 2015:

  1. Natural Results Revolumizing the Midface with Repositioning and Not Filling
Dr Jacono Best US Facial Plastic Surgeon

International Multi-Specialty Symposium Facial Cosmetic Surgery, Las Vegas, June 2015:

  1. Presentation on Incision Planning for Ultimate Camouflage in Deep Plane Facelifting
Best Facelift Surgeon Dr Jacono

American Brazilian Aesthetic Surgery Meeting. Park City, Utah. February 2015:

  1. Presentation on Modifications in Deep Plane Facelifting
Lower Eyelid Lift and Midface Lift Professor Dr Andrew Jacono

Clinics in Plastic Surgery, January 2015:

  1. Multimodality Approach to Midface Rejuvenation with Endoscopic Facelifting and Fat Grafting
Lower Eye Lift Blepharoplasty Best Occuloplastic Surgeon NYC

American Society of Oculoplastic Surgeons National Meeting, Chicago, October 2014:

  1. Keynote Speaker on Lower Eyelid Lift Approaches and Fat Grafting)
Dr Jacono Best Plastic Surgeon and Facelift Surgeon in Europe

European Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons Annual Meeting, Mallorca, Spain, October 2014:

  1. International Faculty Lecturing on Mini Face Lifting, Endoscopic Browlifting, Eyelid Lifting, and Lip Augmentation
Dr Jacono Professor Plastic Surgery Colombia South America

34th Annual Pan-American Conference on Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cartagena, Colombia, October 2014:

  1. International Faculty Lecturing on Deep Plane Facelifting
AAFPRS Plastic Surgery Faculty Dr Jacono

American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Annual National Meeting, September 2014:

  1. Minimally Invasive Facelifting, Neklifting and Lower Blepharoplasty
Occuloplastic Eye Plastic Surgeon Dr Jacono Eye Lift Blepharoplasty

Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, June 2014

  1. Transconjunctival Lower Blepharoplasty (Lower Eyelid Lift)
Vegas Cosmetic Surgery International Plastic Surgeon Dr Jacono

International Multi-Specialty Symposium Facial Cosmetic Surgery, Las Vegas, June 2014

  1. Masters Seminar on New Vertical Vector Deep Plane Facelifting Techniques
Neck Lift NYC Dr Andrew Jacono

Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, May 2014

  1. Vertical Necklifting and Advanced Necklifting Techniques
International Plastic Surgery Professor Dr Jacono

11th International Symposium of Facial Plastic Surgery, IFFPS, New York, NY, May 2014

  1. International Faculty Lecturing on Advanced Facelifting and Necklifting
Mount Sinai Hospital NYC Plastic Surgeon Dr Jacono

Mount Sinai Hospital Advanced Facial Cosmetic Surgery Symposium, New York, NY April 2014

  1. Endoscopic Browlifting
American Brazil Plastic Surgery Professor Dr Jacono

American Brazilian Aesthetic Meeting, Florianopolis, Brazil, May 2014

  1. International Faculty Lecturing on Deep Plane and SMAS Facelifts
American Academy Facial Plastic Surgery Faculty Facelift Dr Jacono

American Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery, Rejuvenation of the Aging Face National Conference, January 2014

  1. Evidence Based Facelifting
Yale Medical School Plastic Surgery Professor Dr Jacono

Yale University, Department of Aesthetic Facial Surgery, December 2013

  1. Lower Eyelid Rejuvenation with Minimally Invasive Eye Lifts
Columbia University Plastic Surgeon Professor Dr Jacono

Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, Grand Rounds, December 2013

  1. Creating Long Lasting Facelift Results
Cedar Sinai Best Plastic Surgeon Dr Jacono

Cedar Sinai Multi-Specialty Plastic Surgery Symposium, Los Angeles, California, November 2013

  1. Keynote Speaker on Midface Rejuvenation, Facelifting and Eyelid Lifting
Facelift Specialist in New York City Dr Jacono

American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Annual National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, September 2013

  1. Facelifting Based Upon Evidence Based Outcome Measures
Mini Face Lift Non SUrgical Facelift NYC Dr Jacono

Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, May 2013

  1. Minimally Invasive Facelifting
Midface Lift JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery Jacono

JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery, March 2013

  1. Midface Rejuvenation Through Midface Lifting and Volumizing Approaches with Implants or Fat Grafting
Best Paris Facelift Professor Dr Andrew Jacono IMCAS

International Masters Course on Aging Skin (IMCAS), Paris, France, January 2013

  1. International Faculty Lecturing on Minimal Access (Minimal Incision with Endoscopes) Deep Plane Facelifting
Vertical Vector Face Lifting to Create Natural Results | NYC

Aesthetic Surgery Journal, September 2012

  1. Vertical Vector Face Lifting to Create Natural Results
Cheek Lifting Using Endoscopic Midface Lift to Rejuvenate the Lower Eyelid and Cheek Junction | NYC

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Journal August 2012

  1. Cheek Lifting Using Endoscopic Midface Lift to Rejuvenate the Lower Eyelid and Cheek Junction
Cheek Lifting Using Endoscopic Midface Lift to Rejuvenate the Lower Eyelid and Cheek Junction | NYC

American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Annual National Meeting, September 2012

  1. Cheek Lifting Using Endoscopic Midface Lift to Rejuvenate the Lower Eyelid and Cheek Junction
Reconstruction of the Forehead After Skin Cancer Removal to Maintain Normal Eyebrow and Hairline Position | NYC

Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery, September 2012

  1. Reconstruction of the Forehead After Skin Cancer Removal to Maintain Normal Eyebrow and Hairline Position
Lower Eyelid Lifting (Blepharoplasty) for Lower Eyelid Bags and Endoscopic Face Lifting | NYC

International Federation of Facial Plastic Surgery Societies VII International Congress. May 2012

  1. Lower Eyelid Lifting (Blepharoplasty) for Lower Eyelid Bags and Endoscopic Face Lifting
Masters Seminar on New Face Lifting Hybrid Techniques | NYC

International Multi-Specialty Symposium Facial Cosmetic Surgery June 2012

  1. Masters Seminar on New Face Lifting Hybrid Techniques
Deep Plane Face Lifting Through a Minimal Incision Approach | NYC

University of Pennsylvania Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Grand Rounds March 2012

  1. Deep Plane Face Lifting Through a Minimal Incision Approach
Midface and Cheek Rejuvenation, Fat Grafting and Short Incision Mini Face Lifting | NYC

American Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery, Rejuvenation of the Aging Face National Conference, January 2012

  1. Midface and Cheek Rejuvenation, Fat Grafting and Short Incision Mini Face Lifting
Face Lifting in a Deep Vertical Vector | NYC

Stanford University Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Grand Rounds May 2011

  1. Face Lifting in a Deep Vertical Vector
Minimal Access Minimal Incision Hidden Scar Face Lifting | NYC

Aesthetic Surgery Journal, November 2011

  1. Minimal Access Minimal Incision Hidden Scar Face Lifting
Neck Lifting Utilizing New Minimally Invasive Platysma Neck Muscle Tightening | NYC

Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery, November 2011

  1. Neck Lifting Utilizing New Minimally Invasive Platysma Neck Muscle Tightening
Mini Face Lifting Including Cheek Lifting | NYC

American Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery, Annual National Meeting, September 2011

  1. Mini Face Lifting Including Cheek Lifting
Mini Face Lift Combined with Deep Plane Face Lift Surgery | NYC

International Multi-Specialty Symposium Facial Cosmetic Surgery June 2011

  1. Mini Face Lift Combined with Deep Plane Face Lift Surgery
Deep Plane Face Lifting as an Alternative in the Smoking Patient | NYC

Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery, August 2011

  1. Deep Plane Face Lifting as an Alternative in the Smoking Patient
Minimal Access Deep Plane Vertical Facelifting | NYC

American Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery, Rejuvenation of the Aging Face National Conference, January 2011

  1. Minimal Access Deep Plane Vertical Facelifting
Endoscopic Midface Lift, Deep Plane Face Lift, and Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments to Speed Face Lift Recovery | NYC

Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery, September 2010

  1. Endoscopic Midface Lift, Deep Plane Face Lift, and Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments to Speed Face Lift Recovery
Lip Augmentation Surgery and Endoscopic Midface Surgery | NYC

International Multi-Specialty Symposium Facial Cosmetic Surgery June 2010

  1. Lip Augmentation Surgery and Endoscopic Midface Surgery
Revision Lower Eyelid Lift Surgery | NYC

Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery, June 2010

  1. Revision Lower Eyelid Lift Surgery
Customized Approach to Face and Neck Lifting | NYC

American Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery, 10th International Symposium on Facial Plastic Surgery, June 2010

  1. Customized Approach to Face and Neck Lifting
Facial Fat Grafting and Mid Face Lift Lifting | NYC

American Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery 2009 Annual National Meeting – September 2009

  1. Facial Fat Grafting and Mid Face Lift Lifting
Mid Face Lift Lip Augmentation Face and Neck Lifting | NYC

American Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery, 2007 National Meeting on the Latest Advances in Facial Plastic Surgery – January 2007

  1. Mid Face Lift Lip Augmentation Face and Neck Lifting
Endoscopic Face Lifting | NYC

New York City Aging Face Course – October 2007

  1. Endoscopic Face Lifting
Botox Injections | NYC

American Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery 2007, National Meeting Plastic Surgery – September 2007

  1. Botox Injections
Face and Neck Lifting | NYC

American Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery 2007, National Meeting on the Latest Advances in Facial Plastic Surgery – January 2007

  1. Face and Neck Lifting
Reverse Neck Lifting for the Difficult and Revison Aging Neck | NYC

9th International Symposium on Facial Plastic Surgery – May 2006

  1. Reverse Neck Lifting for the Difficult and Revision Aging Neck
Effects of Endoscopic Forehead/Midface-lift on Lower Eyelid Tension | NYC

Archives Facial Plastic Surgery – July 2005

  1. Effects of Endoscopic Forehead/Midface-lift on Lower Eyelid Tension
V to Y Lip Augmentation | NYC

Archives Facial Plastic Surgery – June 2004 (Lip Augmentation for Voluptuous Lips)

  1. V to Y Lip Augmentation
Endoscopic Midface Lifting | NYC

Facial Plastic Surgery – May 2003

  1. Endoscopic Midface Lifting
Rhinoplasty and Revision Rhinoplasty | NYC

Facial Plastic Surgery – November 2002 (Commonly referred to as a “nose job”)

  1. Rhinoplasty and Revision Rhinoplasty
Lip Augmentation and Endoscopic Midface Lifting | NYC

8th International Symposium of Facial Plastic Surgery – May 2002

  1. Lip Augmentation and Endoscopic Midface Lifting
Blepharoplasty in NYC

Facial Plastic Surgery – February 2001 (Eyelid lift surgery)

  1. Blepharoplasty
Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Forehead Surgery 1 | NYC

Facial Plastic Surgery – February 2001 (The Endoscopic Brow Lift)

  1. Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Forehead Surgery
Rhinoplasty and Revision Rhinoplasty in NYC

Facial Plastic Surgery – May 2000 (Commonly referred to as a “nose job”)

  1. Rhinoplasty and Revision Rhinoplasty
Alloderm Injections 1 | NYC

Archives Facial Plastic Surgery – January 2000 (Materials used to augment the lips and fill skin wrinkles)

  1. Alloderm Injections
Reconstruction after Head and Neck Cancer Removal | NYC

Operative Techniques in Head and Neck Surgery – June 2000

  1. Reconstruction after Head and Neck Cancer Removal
Orbital Reconstruction After Facial Trauma 1 | NYC

Facial Plastic Surgery – May 2000 (Eye Reconstruction)

  1. Orbital Reconstruction After Facial Trauma
Collagen Injections 1 | NYC

Archives Facial Plastic Surgery – March 2000 (Materials used to augment the lips and fill skin wrinkles)

  1. Collagen Injections
Soft Tissue Fillers | NYC

American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Fall Meeting 1999

  1. Soft Tissue Fillers:

New York Center for Facial Plastic Surgery

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