Dr. Andrew Jacono is Pictured in a Suit and Tie

Snatching Necks with a Neck Lift

Harper’s Bazaar and Dr. Jacono Talk Snatching Necks with a Neck Lift Procedure

The Jawline: Why Is It So Important?

As much as the neck and jawline impact the face’s balance, they are usually relegated to secondary importance. More conventionally noticeable qualities are the shape of the nose, the smoothness of the forehead, and the plumpness of the lips. Even the size of the ears can be particularly glaring. Many people, therefore, believe that cosmetic surgery is reserved for the areas above the chin. After all, the most obvious wrinkles are found in the middle and upper third.

The Year of the Snatched Jawline
The Year of the Snatched Jawline

Of course, this couldn’t be further from the truth. The neck and jawline are as integral to facial harmony as any other feature. They also work as a unique unit. A tight neck produces a slick, well-defined jawline, and a loose, wrinkled neck causes a doughy jawline and “double chin.” This can cause a variety of problems, including jowling, wrinkling, and self-consciousness. Contrary to popular belief, being old or overweight isn’t a prerequisite to having loose neck skin. In fact, you can be young and skinny and still suffer from a characteristic chin pouch. This is one of the few cosmetic problems that occur independently of lifestyle choices.

“A lot of it boils down to genetics,” says Dr. Jacono. “A third of my patients who want what they call a ‘snatched neck’—or a really sleek jawline—are in their thirties and forties. What’s interesting is that they are otherwise not aging badly. They have relatively smooth skin, tight features, and attractive proportions. Simply put, a lot of them have always struggled with excess neck skin.”

Ways to Get Rid of That Double Chin

There are many ways to tighten the under-chin area, not all of which involve surgery. For example, some people are satisfied with combining Botox, ultrasound tightening (Ultherapy), and hyaluronic acid fillers to lift the jaw. The perk of these treatments is that they have no downtime and are only painful for a few days. There are, however, a few downsides. Botox and hyaluronic acid fillers require upkeep every few months, and Ultherapy results will not fully show until six months after treatment (results only last around 2 years). These inconveniences prevent some patients from opting for temporary tweaks.

“As convenient as minimally invasive treatments are, they don’t offer the kind of dramatic improvements that surgery does,” says Dr. Jacono. “In most cases, there is only a 25 to 30 percent change, which can be quite disappointing. I’ve also noticed that, if a patient chooses minimally invasive options at first, they end up getting more invasive surgery later on. Sometimes, it’s best to start out with surgery and have the face you’ve always wanted at an earlier time.”

For those seeking something more dramatic, there is the neck lift. This procedure tightens the neck’s underlying muscles and removes crinkly excess skin and tissue. The goal is to make the jawline look just like what it really is: a sturdy structural pole that supports the face.

“One of the major advantages of surgery is that it permanently resolves glaring issues,” continues Dr. Jacono. “You can look great, and you don’t have to go back to your doctor’s office for maintenance every six or so months. It removes a lot of the hassle, especially if you’re busy in your daily life.”

The Ideal Snatched Neck Lift Candidate

For better or worse, cosmetic surgery is usually associated with older people. They are, after all, the ones whom aging has affected most severely. Interestingly, though, younger people tend to be better candidates for surgery.

“It all comes down to the quality of the skin,” says Dr. Jacono. “Younger people have more resilient skin and underlying tissue, and they heal better and look better after surgery. The idea that you have to wait until you’re fifty or sixty years old is becoming increasingly unreliable. These days, I routinely see patients who want to fix or refine a particular aspect of their appearance before they’ve begun to exhibit serious signs of aging.”

So, perhaps there is no good reason to wait for that tweak you’ve always wanted. If a simple surgical procedure can make you feel better about yourself, then what is the harm in consulting an expert who has your best interest in mind?

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