A woman’s mouth and chin showing smile lines

How to Get Rid of Smile Lines: 6 Reasons to Consider a Facelift

Back to all posts June 2, 2023

Smiling and laughing are essential parts of our daily lives, but over time, they can leave behind unwanted signs of aging in the form of smile lines, also known as laugh lines. These lines can form around the mouth and can make a person appear older than they are. If you’re looking for ways to get rid of smile lines, you’re not alone. Many people are searching for effective solutions to this common concern.

Fortunately, there are a number of options available for getting rid of smile lines, ranging from non-invasive treatments to surgical procedures. In this article, we will explore some of the most effective ways to reduce the appearance of smile lines and achieve a more youthful, refreshed appearance.

We will cover topics such as how to get rid of smile lines naturally, how to remove smile lines with the help of skincare products, and how to get rid of smile lines around the mouth with the help of a plastic surgeon.

Whether you’re looking for a quick and easy solution or a more comprehensive approach, there is an option that can help you achieve the results you desire. So let’s dive in and explore the best ways to get rid of smile lines and regain your confidence!

#1. Reduce the Appearance of Smile Lines

A woman’s mouth and chin showing smile lines
A woman’s mouth and chin showing smile lines

Smile lines, also known as nasolabial folds, are the lines that run from the corners of the nose to the corners of the mouth. As we age, these lines become more pronounced due to a loss of collagen and elastin in the skin, as well as repeated facial movements such as smiling and laughing.

While smile lines can add character to the face, some people find them to be a source of self-consciousness. A facelift can help to reduce the depth of these lines by tightening the skin and repositioning the underlying tissue.

During a facelift, incisions are made along the hairline and around the ears, and the skin is lifted to access the underlying tissue. The tissue is then repositioned, and any excess skin is trimmed away before the incisions are closed.

The result is a smoother, more youthful-looking appearance, with reduced smile lines. It is important to note that a facelift will not completely eliminate smile lines, but it can significantly reduce their appearance.

Natural Ways to Reduce Smile Lines:

  • Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help to keep the skin hydrated and may reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Use sunscreen: Protecting your skin from sun damage is one of the most important things you can do to prevent the formation of smile lines. Be sure to wear sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 every day, even on cloudy days.
  • Apply moisturizer: Keeping the skin moisturized can help to prevent dryness and may reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Look for moisturizers that contain ingredients like hyaluronic acid or glycerin, which can help to plump up the skin.
  • Eat a healthy diet: Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods can help to nourish the skin from the inside out. Foods that are high in antioxidants, such as berries and leafy greens, may be particularly beneficial for reducing the signs of aging.

#2. Address Laugh Lines

Laugh lines, also known as marionette lines, are the lines that run from the corners of the mouth down to the chin. These lines can be caused by a loss of collagen and elastin in the skin, as well as repeated facial movements such as smiling and laughing.

While laugh lines can add character to the face, they can also make a person appear older than they are. A facelift can help to reduce the appearance of these lines by tightening the skin and repositioning the underlying tissue.

A facelift will lift the skin so that Dr. Jacono can get to the tissue underneath. There he will reposition the tissue and the skin, and close the incisions. The result is reduced laugh lines.

Non-Surgical Ways to Get Rid of Laugh Lines and Smile Lines

  • Dermal fillers: Injectable dermal fillers such as hyaluronic acid can be used to plump up the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Fillers can be injected into the skin around the mouth to help smooth out laugh lines.
  • Botulinum toxin: Injecting botulinum toxin, also known as Botox, into the muscles that cause laugh lines can help to reduce their appearance. Botox works by temporarily paralyzing the muscles, which can help to prevent the formation of wrinkles.
  • Laser treatments: Laser resurfacing can help to stimulate collagen production in the skin, which can help to reduce the appearance of laugh lines. Fractional laser resurfacing is a common procedure used to treat fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth.
  • Chemical peels: Chemical peels involve the application of a chemical solution to the skin, which causes the outer layer of the skin to peel away. This can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Skincare products: Certain skincare products may help to reduce the appearance of laugh lines, such as those that contain hydroxy acids or retinoids. These ingredients can help to exfoliate the skin and stimulate collagen production.

#3. Improve Skin Elasticity

As we age, our skin loses elasticity, which can lead to sagging and wrinkles. A facelift can help to improve skin elasticity by tightening the skin and repositioning the underlying tissue.

A facelift can reverse that by restoring skin elasticity. A facelift can also stimulate collagen production in the skin, which can further improve skin elasticity and texture over time.

#4. Customizable Results

A woman points to where smile lines would be
A woman points to where smile lines would be

Every person’s face is unique, and a facelift can be tailored to meet the individual’s specific needs. A plastic surgeon can customize the procedure to address the areas of the face that are most concerning to the patient, resulting in a personalized and natural-looking outcome.

During a consultation with a plastic surgeon, the patient can discuss their goals and concerns, and the surgeon can make recommendations based on their facial structure, skin type, and other factors. The plastic surgeon can then create a customized treatment plan that may include additional procedures such as a neck lift, eyelid surgery, or brow lift to compliment the facelift.

The plastic surgeon will also take into consideration the patient’s desired level of naturalness. Some patients prefer a more dramatic result, while others want a more subtle improvement. The plastic surgeon will work closely with the patient to ensure that the final outcome meets their expectations and looks natural.

#5. Long-Lasting Results

The effects of a facelift can vary from person to person, and the longevity of the results depends on a number of factors, including the patient’s age, skin type, and lifestyle habits.

On average, the effects of a facelift can last between 5 and 10 years. However, it is important to note that a facelift does not stop the natural aging process and cannot prevent the development of new wrinkles or other signs of aging.

To maintain the results of a facelift, patients are often advised to follow a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sun protection. Avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can also help to prolong the effects of a facelift.

#6. Improve Confidence

A facelift can improve a person’s confidence by addressing the signs of aging that can affect their self-image. As we age, our skin loses elasticity, and wrinkles, sagging, and other signs of aging can appear on the face. These changes can make a person feel less confident and less attractive.

A facelift can address these signs of aging by tightening the skin and repositioning the underlying tissue, creating a more youthful-looking appearance. By reducing the appearance of wrinkles, sagging skin, and other signs of aging, certain types of facelifts like a deep plane facelift or a ponytail facelift can help a person feel more confident and attractive.

In addition to the physical improvements, a facelift can also provide psychological benefits. When a person feels more confident in their appearance, they are often more outgoing, sociable, and happy. They may also have improved self-esteem and a more positive outlook on life.


A facelift can provide numerous benefits, including reducing the appearance of smile and laugh lines, improving skin elasticity, and providing customizable and long-lasting results. While a facelift is a surgical procedure and involves some downtime and recovery, the results can be truly transformative.

If you are considering a facelift, it is important to choose a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon who can guide you through the process and ensure a safe and successful outcome. Contact us at New York Facial Plastic Surgery to see Dr. Jacono, the premier facial plastic surgeon in New York City, to schedule a consultation today.

Address all lines around your mouth and eyes with a facelift – ready to have a consultation?

Dr. Andrew Jacono

Dr. Andrew Jacono, M.D., F.A.C.S., is a Dual Board Certified, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon with a thriving practice on Long Island’s Gold Coast and in Manhattan on Park Avenue.

Dr. Jacono specializes in reconstructive surgery, specifically facelifts, rhinoplasties and eyelid lifts with flawless, yet natural results. He’s internationally recognized for his innovative non-surgical and minimally invasive facial rejuvenation techniques. As Director of the New York Center for Facial Plastic & Laser Surgery, Dr. Jacono's expertise attracts a wide range of clientele, from prominent celebrities to everyday individuals seeking various enhancements. He is also sought-after for his expert opinion as a lecturer and presenter. Dr. Jacono has presented his innovative techniques at leading universities in the US, and has conducted live surgery at over 100 global plastic surgery meetings and symposiums across multiple countries and organizations.

New York Center for Facial Plastic Surgery

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