A middle-aged woman touching her face

Best Makeup for Wrinkled Skin: Best Deep Wrinkle Filler and More

Back to all posts April 3, 2024

Applying makeup on mature skin with wrinkles can be a challenge. It’s not just about covering up; it’s about enhancing your natural beauty without settling into those fine lines. 

In this blog, we’ll explore the best foundations, concealers, and deep wrinkle fillers designed specifically for mature skin. Get ready to discover products that offer both coverage and care! 

Understanding Mature Skin and Wrinkles 

As we age, our skin undergoes significant changes. Fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging begin to appear, and our skin may not be as plump and vibrant as it once was. This transformation affects how makeup interacts with our skin. Here’s what you need to know: 

  • Skin Types: Whether dry, oily, or combination, each skin type reacts differently to makeup. 
  • Skin Tone: Choosing the right makeup shade is crucial for a natural look. 
  • Aging Signs: Understanding these helps in selecting products that not only conceal but also treat. 

Best Makeup Choices for Wrinkles 

Foundations for Mature Skin 

Choosing the best foundation makeup for wrinkles is key to enhancing mature skin. Let’s compare: 

  • Liquid Foundation: Ideal for dry and combination skin, it offers hydration and a seamless blend. Look for products containing hyaluronic acid to help plump and moisturize the skin. 
  • Powder Foundation: Best for oily skin types, it helps reduce shine and can be easier to apply for a quick touch-up. 


Choose foundations that offer hydration and can help achieve a naturally radiant finish without settling into wrinkles. 

Deep Wrinkle Fillers 

Deep wrinkle fillers are a game-changer for mature skin. They: 

  • Smooth out the appearance of deep wrinkles. 
  • Provide a base for makeup, making skin appear smoother and more youthful. 

Look for products that promise long-lasting wear and are packed with skin-loving ingredients like peptides and antioxidants. 

Concealers and Primers 

Concealers and primers can make a big difference in how makeup sits on your skin throughout the day. 

  • Primers: The best makeup primer for wrinkles prepares the skin by creating an even surface. It helps prevent makeup from creasing or settling into fine lines. 
  • Concealers: Choose creamy formulas that provide coverage without caking, especially important for the delicate under-eye area. 


  • Opt for color-correcting concealers to cover dark spots and under-eye circles. 
  • Hydrating primers are your best bet for a smooth application. 

Makeup Application Techniques to Hide Wrinkles 

Applying makeup to mature skin requires technique as much as the right products. Here are some tips to get the best makeup for deep wrinkles: 

  • Preparation: Start with a moisturized face to ensure makeup goes on smoothly. 
  • Foundation Application: Use a damp beauty sponge for liquid foundations to avoid a heavy look. 
  • Concealer: Apply in light layers and build coverage gradually. 
  • Setting: Use a fine, translucent powder to set makeup, focusing on areas prone to creasing. 

Areas to Focus: 

  • Under Eyes: Use lighter strokes and less product to avoid caking. 
  • Forehead and Jaw Jowls: Blend foundation well into these areas to soften the appearance of lines. 


Aim for medium coverage to keep the look fresh and natural. Over-application can accentuate wrinkles rather than hide them. 

Enhancing the Eyes 

When it comes to eye makeup for wrinkled, hooded eyes, the goal is to lift and open up the eye area, making it appear more youthful and awake. Here’s how to achieve this effect: 

  • Choose the Right Products: Opt for creamy eyeshadows that blend easily and don’t settle into creases. Matte finishes can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, while a hint of shimmer on the inner corners can brighten the entire eye area. 
  • Application Techniques: Use a light hand and build color slowly. Focus on lifting the outer corners with a slightly darker shade to create a subtle uplifting effect. Eyeliner should be thin and close to the lash line, extending slightly upward at the outer corner. 
  • Hydrating Ingredients: Look for eye makeup products infused with hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid. These help moisturize the delicate skin around the eyes and prevent the makeup from creasing. 

Setting the Makeup Right 

A woman with gray hair and smooth skin

To ensure your makeup looks flawless all day without creasing or settling into fine lines, setting it correctly is crucial: 

  • Primers: A good primer can smooth out the surface of the skin and fill in wrinkles, creating a perfect canvas for the rest of your makeup. Choose a primer specifically designed for mature skin to address issues like dryness and fine lines. 
  • Setting Powders: Use a lightweight, translucent setting powder to lock in your makeup. A light dusting is enough to mattify and set the makeup without emphasizing dryness or wrinkles. 
  • Sensitive Skin and Sun Damage: For those with sensitive skin or sun damage, look for products that contain soothing ingredients and offer sun protection. These can help protect and heal the skin while improving the appearance of makeup. 

Alternatives to Makeup: Considering a Facelift 

While makeup is a wonderful tool for enhancing beauty and concealing signs of aging, some might seek more permanent solutions. A facelift is one such option that can dramatically reduce the appearance of wrinkles and rejuvenate the face: 

  • Benefits of a Facelift: Unlike makeup, a facelift provides long-lasting results, tightening sagging skin and smoothing out deep wrinkles. It can significantly refresh your appearance and boost your confidence. 
  • Consulting a Professional: If you’re considering a facelift, it’s essential to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon like Dr. Jacono. They can provide detailed information on the procedure, expected outcomes, and recovery process to help you make an informed decision. 

The Bottom Line 

Throughout this blog, we’ve covered essential tips and product recommendations for applying makeup on mature, wrinkled skin. From choosing hydrating, lifting foundations and concealers to mastering eye makeup for hooded eyes, the right techniques and products can make a significant difference. Setting your makeup properly can also ensure it stays beautiful and flawless throughout the day, without settling into fine lines. 

Whether you choose to enhance your look with makeup or consider more permanent solutions like a facelift, the key is to feel confident and comfortable in your skin. Remember, the right approach to beauty can help your mature skin look its absolute best, celebrating your natural beauty at every age. 

If makeup isn’t your thing, consider a facelift to hide wrinkles, rejuvenate the face, and achieve a similar goal. Learn more about facelift options for you. Book your consultation with Dr. Jacono now! 

Dr. Andrew Jacono

Dr. Andrew Jacono, M.D., F.A.C.S., is a Dual Board Certified, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon with a thriving practice on Long Island’s Gold Coast and in Manhattan on Park Avenue.

Dr. Jacono specializes in reconstructive surgery, specifically facelifts, rhinoplasties and eyelid lifts with flawless, yet natural results. He’s internationally recognized for his innovative non-surgical and minimally invasive facial rejuvenation techniques. As Director of the New York Center for Facial Plastic & Laser Surgery, Dr. Jacono's expertise attracts a wide range of clientele, from prominent celebrities to everyday individuals seeking various enhancements. He is also sought-after for his expert opinion as a lecturer and presenter. Dr. Jacono has presented his innovative techniques at leading universities in the US, and has conducted live surgery at over 100 global plastic surgery meetings and symposiums across multiple countries and organizations.

New York Center for Facial Plastic Surgery

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