Beautiful Women Smiling in Swim Suits

Breast Augmentation (Augmentation Mammoplasty)

Learn More About Breast Augmentation Surgery on Long Island, New York

What Is Breast Augmentation?

One of the most popular cosmetic procedures for women between the ages of 18 to 50, is breast augmentation. There are many reasons for its popularity but one of the most common reasons is a boost in self-esteem. The Breast augmentation procedure involves the use of breast implants to increase breast size, improve breast contouring, and create symmetry.

Ways You Can Benefit from Breast Augmentation:

  • Breast fullness
  • Breast asymmetry correction
  • Tubular breast correction
  • Replace lost breast volume due to weight loss or pregnancy.
  • Previous breast implant replacement
  • Improve self-confidence.

A good percentage of patients choose breast augmentation surgery to correct problems. These can include tissue loss due to weight loss, aging, and pregnancy. Many women also choose breast augmentation to address aesthetic reasons. This option improves self-esteem by enhancing their figure.

Breast Augmentation Implant Placement Illustration

How is Breast Augmentation Surgery Performed?

Before breast augmentation surgery, patients receive a sedative and a local anesthetic to ensure comfort during the procedure. However, patients who wish to be asleep during the procedure will receive a general anesthetic. Once the patient is relaxed or asleep, our surgeon will prepare and disinfect the area. Then, the surgery begins with an incision to allow our surgeon to insert the chosen new implant from the consultation process.

Depending on the type of implant used and its placement, our surgeon will decide the appropriate location for the incision. Our surgeon can place the implant above the muscle or — as in most cases — below the muscle using the inframammary approach.

Breast Implant Incision Placement

  • Inframammary Incision: We place the incision at the base of the breast tissue, allowing for under-the-muscle placement. This incision leaves a well-hidden scar and reduces the risk of damaging the milk ducts or nerves.
  • Peri-areolar: We place the incision between the breast skin and the areola, just under the nipple. The scar is slightly smaller, but it does require cutting through more breast tissue. It has the potential to affect breastfeeding and may damage nipple sensitivity.
  • Transaxillary Incision: For this approach. We place the incision under the arm, within the armpit. The scar is minimal and carries little risk of damaging the breast tissue. We typically use this incision with the placement of saline implants.
Breast Augmentation Incision Illustration

After making the incision, we will insert and place the new breast implants either above or below the muscle. While implants placed above the muscles allow for a shorter recovery period, they also risk being visible through the breast skin. This can, of course, result in an unnatural appearance. Because of this, most patients prefer placing the implants below the muscle, for the best results.

The final step in the procedure is to close the incisions. Over a period, the incision sites will heal and become less visible. The results of the surgery will be immediate, and the entire procedure should take about 2 hours.

Recovery from Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation is an outpatient procedure, so most patients can go home within a few hours post-op. Our surgeon will apply surgical dressings and bandages, and you should remove them after a few days. Some bruising and swelling will be evident and should fade within 3 to 5 weeks. Patients may need to wear a surgical bra to aid in support until everything heals.

Most patients can return to work within just a few days of the procedure. However, we recommend avoiding strenuous exercise for the next 4 to 6 weeks. The incision sites heal within 2-to-3 weeks after surgery, but the scar will need to heal for up to a year.

Good Candidates for Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a very personal surgical procedure that can boost your self-esteem. It should be a decision that each patient makes for themselves.

Women who are interested in this procedure may be a good candidate if:

  • They are in good physical health.
  • Have fully developed breasts.
  • Unhappy with current breast size (too small)
  • Loss of breast shape or breast volume due to weight loss or childbirth.
  • Breasts are asymmetrical.
  • Have realistic expectations.

Breast Augmentation Consultation

The very first step in the process will begin with the consultation. Our board-certified breast augmentation surgeon will listen to your goals and your expectations for the outcome of the procedure. This will allow them to better identify what realistic results are achievable. During the consultation, our surgeons will help determine the proper type and size of implant to use.

This is extremely important in ensuring that the new breasts are proportionate to each patient’s frame and look natural. During the consultation, various-sized implants are used under the patient’s shirt. Then, the patient looks at their reflection in the mirror to decide if they are happy with the appearance. We will also take photos at a distance so that each patient can objectively see how the result would look.

Another important aspect of the consultation process involves deciding which type of implant we will use. There are two main types of breast implants that we use. The most common is the silicone gel implant which generally feels more like a natural breast.

The silicone implants come pre-filled with gel and come in varying sizes. The other type of implant we use is a saline breast implant. The saline implants come empty, and we fill them once the implant is in place. Saline implants offer a few benefits, such as requiring a smaller incision during surgery. They also feel more natural when placed under the pectoral muscle.

Schedule a consultation with our surgery center to further determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure.

Contact our Long Island office at 516-773-4646 or our New York City location at 212-570-2500. You can also complete an online form and one of our dedicated staff members will contact you to schedule your appointment.

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