A young woman with her hand touching her face, with a natural look and little makeup

Is It Possible to Get a Natural Looking Facelift?

Back to all posts September 8, 2022
A young woman with her hand touching her face, with a natural look and little makeup

We’ve all seen the horror stories on the front of tabloids where a celebrity has gotten plastic surgery and their new face just looks so… fake. It makes people afraid of cosmetic surgery because they don’t want to look plastic and stretched and so artificial. 

But the truth is that the vast majority of facelifts actually look quite natural. If you lined up ten beautiful people, five of whom had facelifts, you’d be hard-pressed to identify who had had work done. And this is the main problem that people face when they’re getting a facelift: their new face might look perfectly natural to a stranger, but it will look different and “fake” to someone who has known them for a long time.

Fortunately, there’s an answer for that. 

If you’re looking for how to get a natural face lift, then there are many facial rejuvenation surgeries that you can get which will make you look younger, more beautiful–and still look like yourself. You can divorce yourself from the notion that a facelift is a New Face. A facelift can be an entirely new face, but a face lift can also be a natural and gentle resculpturing of the face you already have to make you look still like yourself, only younger and with better skin. 

Think about other plastic surgeries. When someone gets breast augmentation, they can get a very large increase that makes them overnight need to throw out their entire wardrobe and they have effectively become a new person. Some people really want that, and as plastic surgeons, we want to make them happy. 

But there are other people who want breast implants with natural-looking results–maybe a cup or two up. Significant, but not shocking. This same cosmetic surgery philosophy can translate into facelifts. 

How do I get a natural facelift?

For starters, you don’t need to get a full traditional facelift. You can get a minimally invasive facelift procedure that will gently recondition your face and neck into a younger you without changing your overall look. You’ll still be you, you’ll just be you from ten years ago. 

These natural lifts are common, and you’d be surprised at how many people–both men and women–have them done. And the reason you’d be surprised is because the person doesn’t look abnormal–they just suddenly look more youthful, more vibrant.

Not every facelift requires fat transfers and fat grafts, but rather a gentle tightening removal of excess facial skin will make someone look much younger, getting rid of lines and wrinkles without looking like they’re an android. 

The Ponytail Lift

Some of the most natural-looking plastic surgeries are procedures like the ponytail lift. These surgeries use tiny incisions under the hairline. They’re called “ponytail” lifts because the impression that someone gets is that you’ve pulled your hair back into a ponytail, pulling the skin of your forehead and cheeks back and up. It’s one of the easiest procedures to get, and other than noticing that you look much better and younger, no one will be the wiser that you’ve had plastic surgery. 

The Non-Surgical Lift

Another example, which is even more natural (and has much less recovery time) is the non-surgical facelift. In these procedures, the plastic surgeon doesn’t do any cutting at all, but the work is done entirely with treatments including dermal fillers, lasers, IPL (Intense Pulsed Light Therapy), Kybella, Botox, ThermiTight, Ultherapy, and Sculptra. 

These non-surgical facelifts give you many of the benefits of a surgical facelift, but do it entirely without incisions, and you can walk out of the surgeon’s office looking younger almost instantly. The downside to non-surgical facelifts is that they don’t last as long as surgical facelifts, and you’ll need to have the treatments done again in a year or two. 

Schedule a Consultation

To get a consultation with double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jacono, please visit the link or make a phone appointment. Learn how you can get a natural looking facelift now!

Dr. Andrew Jacono

Dr. Andrew Jacono, M.D., F.A.C.S., is a Dual Board Certified, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon with a thriving practice on Long Island’s Gold Coast and in Manhattan on Park Avenue.

Dr. Jacono specializes in reconstructive surgery, specifically facelifts, rhinoplasties and eyelid lifts with flawless, yet natural results. He’s internationally recognized for his innovative non-surgical and minimally invasive facial rejuvenation techniques.

As Director of the New York Center for Facial Plastic & Laser Surgery, Dr. Jacono's expertise attracts a wide range of clientele, from prominent celebrities to everyday individuals seeking various enhancements. He is also sought-after for his expert opinion as a lecturer and presenter.

Dr. Jacono has presented his innovative techniques at leading universities in the US and has conducted live surgery at over 100 global plastic surgery meetings and symposiums across multiple countries and organizations.

New York Center for Facial Plastic Surgery

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