Facelift Before and After Gallery

Our gallery features dozens of facelift photos, before and after surgery, showcasing the amazing transformations our patients have experienced.

See the Transformation

Viewing real results is important when thinking about plastic surgery. Our gallery includes before and after photos that highlight the incredible changes made by our skilled plastic surgeons. These images show how a facelift can rejuvenate your appearance and boost your confidence.

What is a Face Lift?

A facelift is a surgical procedure that lifts and tightens the skin and muscles of the face. It helps reduce signs of aging, like sagging skin and wrinkles. This procedure can make you look younger and feel more confident.

Expert Plastic Surgeon

Our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Andrew Jacono and his team at New York Facial Plastic Surgery, are experts in facelift surgery. They use advanced techniques to ensure natural-looking results. We are dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals and providing the highest quality care.

Benefits of a Face Lift

  • Youthful Appearance: A facelift can smooth out wrinkles and tighten sagging skin, giving you a more youthful look.
  • Natural Results: Our surgeons use techniques that provide subtle, natural results.
  • Increased Confidence: Many patients feel more confident and happy with their appearance after a facelift.

Take a look at our facelift before and after photos to see the stunning transformations. Each patient’s journey is unique, but the results speak for themselves. If you have any questions or are ready to start your own journey, contact us today to schedule a consultation.

We’re here to help you achieve a refreshed, youthful appearance and guide you every step of the way. Let us help you reveal your natural beauty with expert plastic surgery.

Facelift Before and After Patient 1:

This 50-year-old woman had a minimal incision facelift “mini-facelift” where the incisions are hidden, and the cheeks, jowl, and neck lifted. By repositioning the muscle and not stretching the skin he can create a natural facelift result. She has a short haircut and none of the incisions are visible. Dr. Jacono likes to refer to this as a “ponytail” type facelift because you can wear your hair up in a ponytail.

Before & After
facelift before and after photos
Before & After
best facelift surgeon nyc

Facelift Before and After Patient 2:

This patient had wanted to reverse her heavy jowls and neck and reduce her aging appearance with minimal downtime. Dr Jacono performed a mini facelift called a M.A.D.E. Lift as well as neck liposuction to remove extra neck fat. The natural facelift result rejuvenates without looking like she had plastic surgery.

Before & After
Facelift Before and After
Before & After
Facelift Before and After

Facelift and Necklift Before and After Patient 3:

This middle-aged female patient was looking to reverse the hands of time. She was unhappy with her sagging jowls, sunken lower eye region, and the loose skin in her neck region.

Dr. Jacono performed a face and necklift procedure to address her concerns. You can see that her cheeks have been naturally lifted and have restored the lost volume under her eyes. Her jowls have been replaced with a sleek and feminine jawline, and her neck looks firm and fantastic.

Before & After
best natural facelift patient results
Before & After
natural facelift results

Facelift Before and After Patient 4:

This patient was unhappy with her sagging cheeks and her jowls. Dr. Jacono performed a facelift procedure on her and her after photos show her looking 10 years younger and absolutely amazing. Her cheeks are now lifted and full looking very natural and her jawline is smooth and feminine looking.

Before & After
best facelift before after photos
Before & After
best facelift before after photos nyc

Facelift and Necklift Before and After Patient 5:

This woman in her early fifties wanted to reverse the signs of aging with a deep plane facelift procedure. Her after photos show how Dr. Jacono lifted her cheeks and smoothed out her jawline, as well as, removing the excess hanging loose skin under her chin. Her neck shows no signs of aging and she looks 15 years younger.

Before & After
facelift patient photos ny
Before & After
facelift patient photos new york

Facelift Before and After Patient 6:

Before & After
Facelift photos - patient 4
Before & After
Facelift photos - patient 4

Facelift Before and After – Patient 7

Before & After
Facelift photos - patient 5
Before & After
Facelift photos - patient 5

Facelift Before and After – Patient 8

Before & After
Facelift photos - patient 6
Before & After
Facelift photos - patient 6

Natural Laser Mini Face Lift Before and After Patient 8:

This woman in her 60s had minimal incision facelift combined with upper eye lift, lower eye lift with fat transposition, lateral endoscopic brow lift small incisions hidden in the hairline) and fractional laser skin resurfacing. The facelift is a technique that does not lift the skin but repositions the face under the muscles so the face appears soft and smooth, not stretched. This is what creates natural facelifting results. She has her hair pulled back, and no incisions are visible. Combining this with small changes around the eye and brow, and smoothing of the skin with laser completes her transformation.

Before & After
Facelift Patient Before and After
Before & After
Facelift Before and After Patient Photos

Natural Face Lift and Heavy Necklift Patient 9:

This woman had facelift requiring additional customized procedures to rejuvenate the neck. In addition to a minimal incision facelift, fat under the chin required removal utilizing liposuction, and a procedure called platysmaplasty was performed concomitantly to tighten the loose platysma muscle in the neck. The jowls are smoothed and her appearance looks extremely natural.

Natural Facelift before and after patient 49 before | New York Facial Plastic Surgery
Natural Facelift before and after patient 49 before | New York Facial Plastic Surgery
Natural Facelift before and after patient 49 side view before | New York Facial Plastic Surgery
Natural Facelift before and after patient 49 side view after | New York Facial Plastic Surgery

Lower Face Lift Patient 10:

This woman had a minimal incision facelift lower facelift focusing on the jowls and neck. The underlying platysma muscle that hangs under the neck is tightened and the jowl is repositioned so the cheeks look fuller. Her hair is pulled back and no incision lines or scars are visible.

Facelift - Patient 11 - Lateral Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 11 - Lateral Right - After
Facelift - Patient 11 - Obl Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 11 - Obl Right - After

Natural Face Lift and Chin Augmentation Patient 11:

This woman had a mini facelift requiring additional chin augmentation to rejuvenate the face because of a weak chin. In addition to a minimal incision facelift, a platysmaplasty was performed concomitantly to tighten the loose platysma muscle in the neck, and the jawline was enhanced using a chin implant. The jowls are smoothed and her appearance looks extremely natural.

Facelift - Patient 12 - Lateral Left - Before
Facelift - Patient 12 - Lateral Left - After
Facelift - Patient 12 - Obl Left - Before
Facelift - Patient 12 - Obl Left - After

Male Facelift Patient 12:

Natural Face lift in a male including Facelift, Lower Eyelid Lift and Rhinoplasty. The face lift rejuvenates the lower third of the face including the jowls and neck. The lower eyelid lift removes the tired look from the eyes. The rhinoplasty brings the face into a better aesthetic balance.

Facelift - Patient 13 - Lateral Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 13 - Lateral Right - After
Facelift - Patient 13 - Obl Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 13 - Obl Right - After

Mini-Facelift Before and After Patient 13:

Unhappy with her sagging cheeks, puffiness under her eyes, loose neck region, and deep nasolabial folds, this female patient had Dr. Jacono perform a mini facelift procedure to address her concerns. Her after photos show her under-eye region no longer looks tired and swollen, her cheeks have been lifted which helped to reduce the appearance of her nasolabial folds. Her neck region looks smooth and firm and her jawline looks natural and feminine.

Before & After
mini Facelift before and after patient 53 side view | New York Facial Plastic Surgery
Before & After
mini Facelift before and after patient 53 side view | New York Facial Plastic Surgery

Hybrid Mini Facelift Before and After Patient 14:

This patient also had a lower eyelid lift with fat transposition into the dark eye circles. Notice how this facelift lifts the cheeks as well as the lower third of the face including the jowls and neck.

Facelift - Patient 14 - Obl Left - Before
Facelift - Patient 14 - Obl Left - After

Facelift Patient Before and After Patient 15:

S Type Facelift. The face lift rejuvenates the lower third of the face including the jowls and neck.

Facelift - Patient 15 - Obl Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 15 - Obl Right - After
Facelift - Patient 15 - Front - Before
Facelift - Patient 15 - Front - After

Face Lift Before and After Patient 16:

Total Facial Rejuvenation Including Mini Face Lift, Endoscopic Forehead Lift, Endoscopic Midface Lift, and a Lower Eyelid Lift. The upper, middle, and lower third of the face are balanced and rejuvenated with the three separate lifts, lifting the brows, cheeks, smile lines, jowls, and hanging neck. The lower eyelid lift balances this rejuvenation. This patient had a prior lower eyelid lift performed by another surgeon that required corrective facial plastic surgery by Doctor Jacono.

Facelift - Patient 16 - Obl Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 16 - Obl Right - After
Facelift - Patient 16 - Front - Before
Facelift - Patient 16 - Front - After

Facelift Before and After Patient 17:

Total Rejuvenation including Facelift, and Upper Eyelid Ptosis Repair. The face lift rejuvenates the lower third of the face including the jowls and neck. She had a prior upper eyelid lift with another plastic surgeon that failed. Dr Jacono performed corrective plastic surgery and lifted her heavy lids with a specialized procedure called a ptosis repair that tightens the pulley mechanism of the upper eyelids.

Facelift - Patient 17 - Obl Left - Before
Facelift - Patient 17 - Obl Left - After
Facelift - Patient 17 - Front - Before
Facelift - Patient 17 - Front - After

Face Lift Before and After Patient 18:

Total Facial Rejuvenation Including Mini Face Lift, Endoscopic Forehead Lift, Endoscopic Midface Lift, and an Upper and Lower Eyelid Lift. The upper, middle, and lower third of the face are balanced and rejuvenated with the three separate lifts, lifting the brows, cheeks, smile lines, jowls, and hanging neck. The upper and lower eyelid lift balances this rejuvenation.

Facelift - Patient 18 - Obl Left - Before
Facelift - Patient 18 - Obl Left - After
Facelift - Patient 18 - Front - Before
Facelift - Patient 18 - Front - After

Facelift Before and After Patient 19:

Mini Face Lift with S type incision. The face lift rejuvenates the lower third of the face including the jowls and neck.

Facelift - Patient 19 - Obl Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 19 - Obl Right - After

Facelift Before and After Patient 20:

Facelift, Lower Eyelid Lift and Chin Augmentation. The face lift rejuvenates the lower third of the face including the jowls and neck. Due to this patient’s weak chin, a chin augmentation helps balance the jawline and improves the neck contour. The lower eyelid lift removes the tired look from the eyes.

Facelift - Patient 20 - Lateral Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 20 - Lateral Right - After
Facelift - Patient 20 - Obl Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 20 - Obl Right - After

Facelift Before and After Patient 21:

Mini Type Facelift and Endoscopic Brow Lift. A Mini Face Lift is also referred to as a short scar face lift, S Type Face Lift, J Lift and Life Style Lift. The face lift rejuvenates the lower third of the face including the jowls and neck and the endoscopic brow lift opens the eyes. In this case the patient has asymmetry between the two eyebrows that was corrected.

Facelift - Patient 21 - Front - Before
Facelift - Patient 21 - Front - After
Facelift - Patient 21 - Obl Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 21 - Obl Right - After

Facelift Before and After Patient 22:

Mini Face Lift or S Face Lift. The mini face lift rejuvenates the lower third of the face including the jowls and neck. This surgery was performed under local anesthesia, and the after picture was taken a little over 1 week after surgery.

Facelift - Patient 22 - Obl Left - Before
Facelift - Patient 22 - Obl Left - After

Face Lift Before and After Patient 23:

Total Facial Rejuvenation Including Facelift, and Upper and Lower Eyelid Lift. The lower third of the face is rejuvenated, lifting the smile lines, jowls and hanging neck. The upper and lower eyelid lift balances this rejuvenation.

Facelift - Patient 23 - Obl Left - Before
Facelift - Patient 23 - Obl Left - After
Facelift - Patient 23 - Lateral Left - Before
Facelift - Patient 23 - Lateral Left - After

Face Lift Before and After Patient 24:

Total Facial Rejuvenation Including Facelift, Endoscopic Forehead Lift, Endoscopic Midface Lift, Upper and Lower Eyelid Lift, Lip Wrinkle Dermabrasion, and Chin Augmentation. The upper, middle, and lower third of the face are balanced and rejuvenated with the three separate lifts, lifting the brows, cheeks, smile lines, jowls and hanging neck. The upper and lower eyelid lift balances this rejuvenation.

Facelift - Patient 24 - Lateral Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 24 - Lateral Right - After
Facelift - Patient 24 - Obl Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 24 - Obl Right - After

Face Lift Before and After Patient 25:

Total Facial Rejuvenation Including Midface Lift, Face and Neck Lift, and Rhinoplasty. The lower third of the face is rejuvenated lifting the jowls, hanging neck and neck bands. The lower eyelid lift balances this rejuvenation.

Facelift - Patient 25 - Front - Before
Facelift - Patient 25 - Front - After
Facelift - Patient 25 - Obl Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 25 - Obl Right - After

Facelift Before and After Patient 26:

Total Facial Rejuvenation. This Patient had Surgery with Another Surgeon Before. To correct her Issues she had a Revision Facelift, Endoscopic Midface Lift, Lower Eyelid Lift, Lip Wrinkle Dermabrasion, and Upper and Lower Eyelid Lift.

The upper, middle, and lower third of the face are balanced and rejuvenated with the three separate lifts, lifting the brows, cheeks, smile lines, jowls and hanging neck. The upper and lower eyelid lift balances this rejuvenation.

Facelift - Patient 26 - Obl Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 26 - Obl Right - After

Face Lift Before and After Patient 27:

Facial Rejuvenation Including Facelift and Neck Lift, Lip Wrinkle Dermabrasion, and Lip Augmentation. The facelift rejuvenates the lower third of the face including the jowls and neck. The lipstick bleed lines and thinned upper lip are treated with a combination of dermabrasion around the mouth and augmentation of the lips with deep muscles of the face that are removed when tightening during facelift surgery.

Facelift - Patient 27 - Front - Before
Facelift - Patient 27 - Front - After
Facelift - Patient 27 - Obl Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 27 - Obl Right - After

Face Lift Before and After Patient 28:

M.A.D.E. Mini Face Lift combined with neck liposuction and a chin augmentation.

Facelift - Patient 28 - Front - Before
Facelift - Patient 28 - Front - After
Facelift - Patient 28 - Lateral Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 28 - Lateral Right - After

Face Lift Before and After Patient 29:

Total Facial Rejuvenation Including Facelift and Endoscopic Forehead Lift, The face lift rejuvenates the lower third of the face including the jowls and neck, while the upper third of the face is improved by lifting the brows which opens the eyes.

Facelift - Patient 29 - Front - Before
Facelift - Patient 29 - Front - After
Facelift - Patient 29 - Obl Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 29 - Obl Right - After

Face Lift Before and After Patient 30:

Facial Rejuvenation Including Mini Face Lift (S or Short Incision Face Lift), and Chin Augmentation. The face lift rejuvenates the lower third of the face including the jowls and neck. Due to this patient’s weak chin, a chin augmentation helps balance the jawline and improves the neck contour.

Facelift - Patient 30 - Lateral Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 30 - Lateral Right - After
Facelift - Patient 30 - Obl Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 30 - Obl Right - After

Facelift Before and After Patient 31:

Revision Facelift, Endoscopic Browlift, Endoscopic Midface Lift, and Lower Eyelid Lift. The upper, middle, and lower third of the face are balanced and rejuvenated with the three separate lifts, lifting the brows, cheeks, smile lines, jowls and hanging neck. The lower eyelid lift balances this rejuvenation. She had a prior face lift with another surgeon, and Doctor Jacono performed corrective plastic surgery.

Facelift - Patient 31 - Front - Before
Facelift - Patient 31 - Front - After
Facelift - Patient 31 - Obl Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 31 - Obl Right - After

Face Lift Before and After Patient 32:

Total Facial Rejuvenation Including Facelift, Endoscopic Forehead Lift,/a>, Endoscopic Midface Lift, and Lower Eyelid Lift. The upper, middle, and lower third of the face are balanced and rejuvenated with the three separate lifts, lifting the brows, cheeks, smile lines, jowls and hanging neck. The vertical bands of muscle in the neck are loose and re-tightened during this procedure. The lower eyelid lift balances this rejuvenation.

Facelift - Patient 32 - Front - Before
Facelift - Patient 32 - Front - After
Facelift - Patient 32 - Obl RIght - Before
Facelift - Patient 32 - Obl RIght - After

Face Lift Before and After Patient 33:

Total Facial Rejuvenation (Extreme Makeover) Including Facelift, Endoscopic Forehead Lift, Endoscopic Midface Lift, Upper and Lower Eyelid Lift and Chin Augmentation. The upper, middle, and lower third of the face are balanced and rejuvenated with the three separate lifts, lifting the brows, cheeks, smile lines, jowls and hanging neck. The upper and lower eyelid lift balances this rejuvenation.

Facelift - Patient 33 - Front - Before
Facelift - Patient 33 - Front - After
Facelift - Patient 33 - Obl Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 33 - Obl Right - After

Face Lift Before and After Patient 34:

Total Facial Rejuvenation (Extreme Makeover) Including Facelift, Endoscopic Forehead Lift, Endoscopic Midface Lift. The upper, middle, and lower third of the face are balanced and rejuvenated with the three separate lifts, lifting the brows, cheeks, smile lines, jowls and hanging neck.

Facelift - Patient 34 - Front - Before
Facelift - Patient 34 - Front - After
Facelift - Patient 34 - Obl Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 34 - Obl Right - After

Face Lift Before and After Patient 35:

Total Facial Rejuvenation (Extreme Makeover) Including Facelift, Endoscopic Forehead Lift, Endoscopic Midface Lift, and Upper and Lower Eyelid Lift. The upper, middle, and lower third of the face are balanced and rejuvenated with the three separate lifts, lifting the brows, cheeks, smile lines, jowls and hanging neck. The upper and lower eyelid lift balances this rejuvenation.

Facelift - Patient 35 - Front - Before
Facelift - Patient 35 - Front - After
Facelift - Patient 35 - Obl Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 35 - Obl Right - After

Mini Face Lift Before and After Patient 36:

The mini facelift, or S face lift or short scar face lift rejuvenates the lower third of the face including the jowls and neck.

Facelift - Patient 36 - Obl Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 36 - Obl Right - After

Face Lift Before and After Patient 37:

Total Facial Rejuvenation (Extreme Makeover) Including Facelift and Endoscopic Forehead Lift, The face lift rejuvenates the lower third of the face including the jowls and neck, while the upper third of the face is improved by lifting the brows which opens the eyes.

Facelift - Patient 37 - Front - Before
Facelift - Patient 37 - Front - After

Facelift Before and After Patient 38:

Extreme Makeover including Facelift, and Lower Eyelid Lift. The face lift rejuvenates the lower third of the face including the jowls and hanging neck. The lower eyelid lift removes the tired look from the eyes.

Facelift - Patient 38 - Lateral Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 38 - Lateral Right - After
Facelift - Patient 38 - Obl Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 38 - Obl Right - After

Face Lift Before and After Patient 39:

Total Facial Rejuvenation (Extreme Makeover) Including Facelift, Endoscopic Midface Lift, Lower Eyelid Lift, Lip Lift and SMAS Lip Augmentation, and nostril narrowing. The upper, middle, and lower third of the face are balanced and rejuvenated with the separate lifts, lifting the cheeks, smile lines, jowls and hanging neck.

Augmentation of the lips with deep muscles of the face that are removed when tightening during face lift surgery. The lip is lifted, as it drops with age. The lower eyelid lift balances this rejuvenation.

Facelift - Patient 39 - Obl Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 39 - Obl Right - After
Facelift - Patient 39 - Front - Before
Facelift - Patient 39 - Front - After

Mini Facelift Before and After Patient 40:

The mini facelift, or S face lift or short scar face lift rejuvenates the lower third of the face including the jowls and neck.

Facelift - Patient 40 - Obl Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 40 - Obl Right - After

Face Lift Before and After Patient 41:

Total Facial Rejuvenation (Extreme Makeover) Including Facelift, Upper and Lower Eyelid Lift. The upper, and lower third of the face are balanced and rejuvenated with the facelift elevating the jowls and hanging neck. The upper and lower eyelid lift balances this rejuvenation.

Facelift - Patient 41 - Lateral Right - Before
Facelift - Patient 41 - Lateral Right - After

New York Center for Facial Plastic Surgery

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